Thursday, December 27, 2012

Once more across the seas

And to once more confuse the chronology of this blog by posting way too much, way to rarely, I will now update you about what I did right BEFORE Christmas.

My third, and penultimate Visa period ended on December 15, so I had one last chance to hop around SE Asia right before the christmas rush pushed all prices through the roof.  And i definitely took advantage of this. First, I flew off to Kuala Lumpur again, since it is now one of my favorite cities ever. Seriously, between the food, and Shen's awesome family, and a functional subway, and the FOOD.... basically it is up there with Chicago on my list of cities to visit again and again... and maybe move to.  Love it.

After three too-quick days in KL, I hopped back to Java, and visited Jessica in her home town of Bandung. Its known as the "Paris of Java" and boy was it atmospheric  For one night, Jessica and Tanti and I hightailed it to Jakarta, and basically spent 24 hours in traffic, getting almost kinda sorta close to national monuments. Jakarta is overwhelming. And feels like a different world. It's nuts.   And then, after another three too-quick days in Java, I came back to lovely Bali, just in time for the holidays.

And here, are more details and some of the awesome things we saw!:

This section under construction, since the internet is slow and uploading photos is a pain. Come back soon!

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