Thursday, December 27, 2012

Critter Update

in case you thought that the bugs would calm down, now that the sky is pouring buckets every afternoon:

found in the gutter next to the warung i go to for lunch. 
Escargo anyone? 

GIANT Escargo?


Also, this guy decided to shed on my desk, overnight. 

And I first thought this guy was a bit of string blowing across the floor, but then I looked at it and realized it was a snake side-winding RIGHT FOR ME!  I definitely did not shriek like a little girl and jump up onto my chair. Do not believe such lies! And if I did, it would have been totally, justified  because it was moving really fast. So there.

It's maybe 2 feet long, and it only hung out under my desk for a few seconds, before winding off, so the pictures are a little fuzzy. Still, you can see the bulge of its lunch, right? Probably a toad....

Oh, bali. 

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