Friday, October 19, 2012

Malaysia, Truly Asia


But seriously, do. It's my new favorite asian city, thanks in no small part to the lovely Pui Shen Yoong, and her parents. For some reason I didn't get a single photo of Shen while I was there (Argh), but here are her awesome parents taking me to breakfast. Basically, they just drove me from awesome food to awesome food, so they are A-okay in my book. Seriously nice people. Hi Shen's parents! You Rock! I hope I see you again! Thanks for the Roti Pisang! 

And then I went into the center of the city to "Study for the GRE" which translated to drooling all over myself as I stared at this for an afternoon:
And then I got to go all the way to the top! Obligatory awkward tourist photo alert: (complete with high altitude bird poop!)

And here we are again. I think I have a crush on the Petronus towers. 

Yeah, drool everywhere. I also saw other parts of KL, and ate lots of food, and figured out the subway system. However, I didn't take any photos of this, because the internet made me paranoid about purse snatching and pickpockets, so I rarely took my camera with me. So you're just going to have to trust me when I say that this city is wild. And full of EVERYTHING you could imagine. including, most crucially, PERSIMMONS. For those of you who don't know it, a persimmon is a small orange fruit that tastes PERFECT. It is the best fruit in the world. times a zillion. And for some reason it is impossible to find. But in the morning market with Shen's parents, I found BOXES of them. and proceeded to eat BOXES of them. mmmmm. Good bye persimmons. I will miss you. 

OK, will post more about the things I saw in KL soon. Also, I owe you all a post about visiting Jogja. I have spent a lot of time on planes, recently, hopping all over, and feel very much part of the jet set. Next week, we're off to visit Bromo, too. So more adventures to come!   Goodnight!

1 comment:

Shen said...

come back anytime, Ari :)