Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fishies are cool

 Hello all.
It's been a while since I updated, but the last three internet cafes i've gone to have had malfunctioning internet. So I'll make this quick. Since I last updated, I've done a bit of traveling. I went on an awesome trip to Malang, and will some time soon post a gargantuan update full of photos.

But, until then, please enjoy these! Last sunday I went out to east bali and went snorkeling in Padang Bay. Patricia, Szuyin, Tanti and I piled into a car and headed east for a couple of hours, and finally found our way to a little beach called Blue Lagoon. Have to admit, when we first arrived, it was kinda disappointing  It was a tiny little cove with loads of trash everywhere. Plastic was scattered over the thin beach, and floating in the waves. It was kinda gross. But we decided to suck it up and go in anyways. 
And Once we got into the water, I was pleasantly surprised! Under the floating debris was a pretty huge patch of garden coral, just covered in bright fish! I caught a few snapshots with my snazzy little waterproof camera. The pics dont do justice to just how incredibly bright the fish were. Especially the huge blue fish I was chasing for a while, who refused to pose. 
I only snapped a few pick because I spent most of my time just floating there, bobbing in the current, enjoying quietly watching the fish go about their business. This little trip served two purposes. One, to get the heck out of Denpasar and not stare at a computer for a whole day. And Two, to get excited about learning how to dive! That's right! Tomorrow I start scuba diving lessons! I'm signed up for a PADI open-water course based out of Sanur, but we should be taking several dives up and down the east coast, so I will hopefully have lots to report about that soon. Wish me luck! 

Oh, and on the way to Padang Bay is Gua Lawah, the Bat Cave Temple. We stopped by briefly to check it out. it's fairly small and simple, but there is a cave full of the most chattery bats i've ever seen. It was actually rather impressive. A little gross, too. oh, the weird things you can find here. . . . 
That's all for now folks. Hope all is well!

PS. Happy New Year! Tomorrow is Islamic New Year,  so the new moon tonight marks the beginning of year 1434 AH (al- Hijriyah). Incidentally, this corresponds with a full solar eclipse today, visible from parts of Australia! Unfortunately, I totally missed it here, but oh well. 

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