Tuesday, July 3, 2012

And we're off!

So it begins!

   Adventure of the day: A squirrel tried to abscond with my return ticket. actually. I have decided to take this as a good omen.

   I'm hanging out in DIA now to waiting to board the first of 4 flights that will eventually land me in Bali on Thursday. I've got a great little food pack from my mom, copious advice from my dad, and only 50 lbs of checked luggage! Woooooo!

   Only 36 hours until I arrive in Bali. lets hope it goes smoothly.  I'll probably update again from the Singapore airport, which apparently is swanky. hmmmmm. Love and thanks to my wonderful departure committee. You amaze me. I miss you already.


janji said...

Squirrels: the monkeys of North America! Good luck Ani. House feels empty w/out your but we're looking forward to lots of good stories. Thanks for sharing on this blog. loooove you. Yo Mama

John said...

I am so glad you are doing this, and I hope it is as incredible a journey as you planned so you can share awesome photos and stories! Good luck!
Love ya,