Friday, July 20, 2012

Coming up for Air

Hello all. It seems like forever since i updated this last week. I've been having some trouble getting to the internet when i'm at home, and work has been busy busy busy. and amazing. Suffice to say,e everything so far is awesome. I get to go to construction sites. the other interns are really nice, my boss is nice, all the other people i've interacted with have been cool, too. My fellow interns took me out to Denpasar and showed me the city last week, and will do again this week. they are a lot of fun.  and i've got projects to do. Some materials characterization and process optimization experiments to figure out. Some design. This week I've mostly spent learning suspension bridge design on the fly. Which is slightly nerve-wracking, but mostly awesome. I had my first two language classes at the library, and i'm a little more hopeful that i might eventually remember some of this vocab. (Rolling the R is key!) Now it's the end of the day, and I've survived to my second week as a PTBP intern. And so far haven't broken anything or make anything collapse, and I've tried lots of weird food without getting sick (knock on sooooo much wood) so I'm counting it as a roaring success.

So far have had very little culture shock. Living here is surprisingly easy and straight forward.... ( knock on wood, again?) and I am learning a ton. That's definitely the best part. So much learning.  My brain is rather fried, but it's a good feeling.

oh, on the wold-life front, just fun factoids: a lizard nearly dropped on me in the shower last night, I found a spider the size of my hand, I've gotten used to seeing long-legged roosters wandering around construction sites, and I've been cautiously adopted by a cat.

Ok, more later! Miss you all! have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi ari! i haven't commented in a while! my summer has been busy too. life is good and glad to hear you are learning a lot and enjoying yourself too! :) skype soon?