Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chinook MT

hello? anyone still out there still reading my blog? Its been forever since I've updated it. lets see. so here's the run down. since Crookston:
wind, wind, then surprising tailwinds yay!!! and fields. lots of fields.

We were just on Hwy 2 to Minot, where we got a welcome day off to just relax. i did nothing. i slept and ate and slept and listened to music and made a significant dent in the amazing mountain of food sent to me in both Duluth and Minot.

Thank You!!!! thanks to Grandpa, I have enough Juicy Fruit gum to last a life time, and between him and my parents, I am feasting like royalty on every sort of cool treat imaginable.

After Minot we went to new town and then to the by-now-infamous Theodore Roosevelt national park. it was absolutely beautiful, until about 2 am when a thunderstorm proceeded to flatten our camp, thoroughly drench us all, and force us to flee to shelter in the bathroom. not the most comfortable place to sleep, but it worked. after that, we got back on to Hwy 2 and have been blessedly free of headwinds since.

there's really not that much to report: we've been pedaling ...a lot.... in mostly a straight line..... past fields..... and more fields.

the days are finally getting rather routine. but that should be shattered in just a few days when we get to ( drum roll please) THE ROCKIES!!
we're going straight through Glacier Nat'l park on the Going To The Sun road, and its going to be amazing. steep, but amazing.

PS, my odometer is going to pass 3000 miles tomorrow. woah.


Anonymous said...

3000 miles? gadzooks! amazing! Yes, it's starting to feel like the home stretch to this armchair traveler, but I know you've still got quite a few miles to go, and lots of uphill ones at that. So hang tough kid. YOu can do it! (and after this, just about anything else in the world too) Love you. mIss you. Drive carefully!

Unknown said...

Glad you are still alive, nice to see you back on the blog. What happened? The rockies should be an incredible sight after so many flat miles. The tornado might have been a blessing in disguise, otherwise you might have quit from boredom. Uphill will be tough but down hill should be ...tough. Hopefully the winds won't push you back over the ridge. Good luck.

Unknown said...

PS are there any houses out there, affordable or otherwise?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

and so, she's well and truly not dead yet!!! :) and yes, there is someone out here reading your blog...that would be me. although i should be doing many more important things - like packing for CC, which I leave for in exactly 10hrs and 15 mins. Holy crap...
Anywho - Im really glad to see you're getting along well and seemingly enjoying yourself. 3000 miles - my goodness...thats even more impressive than my mini-keg! :P
All joking aside [which is hard for me as you know] Im really so proud of you in a strange way, and really do hope you finish in some style. Good luck and ride well! Loads of love

Unknown said...

Take a photo or two running around on the ice. You might pause to reflect for a moment that the glaciers are due to disappear entirely from the park by 2030. You were there when...