Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New York

Hello everyone. Hi Gramps! happy July. We've made it to Rochester NY, and i just finished my forth day of building. We were in a lovely neighborhood called "Flower city" possibly, where they hope to build 10 houses this year! apparently, Rochester habitat for Humanity is able to do all their own skilled installation because they have so many volunteers, and thus can even pay their three site managers! this is really cool, and lets them be soo much more efficient. We were mostly hacking away at weeds today to clear a plot for the next house, which was actually really fun, but hot work.

We are all incredibly tired from yesterday's ride. It was a great rout ( thanks Isaiah!) but it was 88.6 miles!!!! I biked from 8 am to 5 pm, straight (except for lunch)!! Once again, if you had said to me a month ago I would be going that far and not completely collapsing, I would have said " no way", but it wasn't too bad. (stairs are still kind of difficult today, though). Everything hurts, but I can feel myself getting stronger, finally. After getting up Bethel Mt, and going over the Adirondacks, in the pouring rain, this side of new York has been so pleasant.

We are now over 550 miles into our trip, I think. I can hardly believe it. 550+ miles!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!

ok, dinner in 5 minutes, and you can guess how much I'm looking forward to food after today.


Unknown said...

why would you be pulling weeds if you are going to be building on top or in the ground? I would think you would just dig up the earth with heavy equipment. Sounds like you are also doing landscaping. Just wondering. If you are starting to feel as if you are getting in shape that was fast.

Anonymous said...

It's high time someone besides you dad weighed in, so hi ANna, it's me MOM. It's really neat reading your blog. Sounds like you have had a lot of rain. How are those indestructible tires holding up? Do you need us to send another set?
Remember Aunt Di while you are in OHio. As I recall she sponsored the whole state: "I call Ohio!" I returned home this evening, by the way. TIto says Hi in Swedish, which is "Hey". He is having a blast over there. I did too.
love, momma

Unknown said...

Get away from the trucks. Obviously, the roads on the map have changed, or the group from last year did not bother to warn you. There are hundreds of routes that you could follow that may take a little more time, but would be a lot safer. You should not be dueling with semis for space on the highway. In theory you *may* have the right of way, but I have never seen a truck yet that would back away from a bike. They could blow you off the road and never know it. Talk it over with your leaders and the group and see if you can't reroute where necessary as you head in and out of Chicago.

Unknown said...

I just downloaded "google earth" onto your apple laptop and with the newer ram/videochip it works beautifully! I am trying to follow the roads from rural michigan to chicago and the image sharpening is working so fast its actually making me sick. Something like vertigo. The detail is extrodinary. I can easily make out the late afternoon shadows of bikers and pedestrians along lake in Chicago where I expect you are now. I suppose if you were wearing a GPS I could follow you realtime and get readouts from your speedometer, tirepressure, bloodpressure, etc. In a few years you might be able to send live audio/videofeed from your helmet. Oh goodie :>You can bike but you cannot hide.

Unknown said...

check out your "myface" (?) friends have been posting photographs of you on the trip.