Tuesday, June 24, 2008


And we're off!!! We left from Newcastle on Saturday, where we dipped out wheels in the Atlantic Ocean. We've now crosses all of New Hampshire. The first day ws rather rough. It started out absolutely beautifully, but due to accidentally taking "the scenic rout", and the lunch van stopping farther along the routh than planned, Iit was a while before i got lunch which made some of these lovely rolling New hampshire hills absolutely painfull. peanut butter and jelly bagels never tasted so good as after more than 50 miles of everything BUT flat. At one point, we even hit a road that had just been torn up for repaving! A mile of rocks and sand up a hill is not as much fun on a road bike as on a mountain bike. After a lunch break everything was peachy again, and the two days following that were increadibly beautiful, and much easier. I think im getting the hang of this!

We're in Lebanon NH now, 120 miles later, and just a few minutes ride from good ol' Dartmouth. We got here yesterday afternoon, after a very beautiful, but rainy ride. I'm getting better at hills, I even passes Anson on one of them! (for those who dont know him, this is impressive.)
Today we helped waterproof the foundation of a new house here, and i'm covered in tar splater. we get to put in insulation tomorrow, and then we'reheaded off to Vermont.

ok, times up. I'll try to get some pictures up later.

Travel safe!

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