Thursday, June 19, 2008

So here we are in Portsmouth.
it was a mini adventure getting here in the first place. My dada came up to New Hampshire with me, and we went to Dartmouth to pick up my bike and Derek, a friend and fellow BNB rider. We were headed towards Portsmouth on Wednesday, but found ourselves at the the end of Mass than we expected. So we ended up taking a two-hour "scenic" detour through the state. Lovely, really. Eventually we got her, though.
This is the second evening I'm spending with Bike an Build here. It has been amazing. We don't start biking until Saturday, then we will head down to the Atlantic and dip our wheels in the ocean to kick off the ride. Until then , we have a ton of things to do here.
The first night was mostly just getting to know each other, icebreakers, and getting the BNB policy down. Then today be did basic bike maintenance, and a short ride to make sure everything was working. Everything was, thank goodness. I now know how to change a tube and a tire, and how to clip in and out of my new pedals ( Thank You FULLCYCLE!!!).
This evening we went to another local church and met the director of the habitat for Humanity chapter here. She was fascinating, and incredibly passionate. The work she is doing (almost single - handedly!) is so incredibly important, and its amazing how much she has been able to get together. I'm really excited to head up to the build site tomorrow and work. Apparently we will mostly be finishing off the house, as they're pretty far along. So mostly landscaping, painting, hanging doors, I think.
At first I was impatient to get going, and actually start getting miles in, but I'm realizing how important these frost few days are to get to know each other, and really let the group feeling grow. its nice to get to know people BEFORE we are all sweaty, exhausted, and cranky. Now we can have random conversations to discover each other, and get a sense for how it will be to live together for over two months.
Right now, the sense I get is: It will be one of the most interesting groups of people I've ever encountered. Everyone is really interesting and involved. I don't think there's anyone I wont get along with. And everyone is really excited and determined to make the most of this ride.

P.S. another goal I am adding to this trip: to have a Banana Split in every sate we pass through. I've had one on every state I've been to in the US so far, and I really want to continue this scrumptious trend.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

So as to keep the record straight, Arianna was the official navigator on the drive from Hanover to the meeting point near Newington. Within the first 5 minutes out of Dartmouth we were on the wrong road heading south rather than east, a fact that Arianna neglected to inform the driver until we found ourselves in Massachusetts. During the course of this trip there are likely to be numerous facts and events that will prove challenging to this participant - such as where she is or where she is going - which tend to get confused in all the peddling. With luck she will be heading in the westward direction, at least at the very start of the trip, because she is not a particularly strong swimmer. Let us hope the rains clear up in Iowa otherwise I fear she will last be seen happily heading south down the Mississippi for the rest of the trip. Note: if you blow rather than suck on the water bags they can double as a floatation device.

Anonymous said...

Anna! It's Gretchen (Rachel's friend from MA!)... um yeah, so you didn't happen to hit Cape Cod hm? if you had, well you should've said hi! :p But I am very happy for you and proud of you for doing this! It is so incredibly admirable! <3

Unknown said...

where is Derek's blog?

My name is Arianna said...

thanks Tony, that's great advice...

phooey on you. we're doing fine.

you can check out other riders's blogs at,com_wrapper/Itemid,213/
