Tuesday, June 24, 2008


And we're off!!! We left from Newcastle on Saturday, where we dipped out wheels in the Atlantic Ocean. We've now crosses all of New Hampshire. The first day ws rather rough. It started out absolutely beautifully, but due to accidentally taking "the scenic rout", and the lunch van stopping farther along the routh than planned, Iit was a while before i got lunch which made some of these lovely rolling New hampshire hills absolutely painfull. peanut butter and jelly bagels never tasted so good as after more than 50 miles of everything BUT flat. At one point, we even hit a road that had just been torn up for repaving! A mile of rocks and sand up a hill is not as much fun on a road bike as on a mountain bike. After a lunch break everything was peachy again, and the two days following that were increadibly beautiful, and much easier. I think im getting the hang of this!

We're in Lebanon NH now, 120 miles later, and just a few minutes ride from good ol' Dartmouth. We got here yesterday afternoon, after a very beautiful, but rainy ride. I'm getting better at hills, I even passes Anson on one of them! (for those who dont know him, this is impressive.)
Today we helped waterproof the foundation of a new house here, and i'm covered in tar splater. we get to put in insulation tomorrow, and then we'reheaded off to Vermont.

ok, times up. I'll try to get some pictures up later.

Travel safe!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So here we are in Portsmouth.
it was a mini adventure getting here in the first place. My dada came up to New Hampshire with me, and we went to Dartmouth to pick up my bike and Derek, a friend and fellow BNB rider. We were headed towards Portsmouth on Wednesday, but found ourselves at the the end of Mass than we expected. So we ended up taking a two-hour "scenic" detour through the state. Lovely, really. Eventually we got her, though.
This is the second evening I'm spending with Bike an Build here. It has been amazing. We don't start biking until Saturday, then we will head down to the Atlantic and dip our wheels in the ocean to kick off the ride. Until then , we have a ton of things to do here.
The first night was mostly just getting to know each other, icebreakers, and getting the BNB policy down. Then today be did basic bike maintenance, and a short ride to make sure everything was working. Everything was, thank goodness. I now know how to change a tube and a tire, and how to clip in and out of my new pedals ( Thank You FULLCYCLE!!!).
This evening we went to another local church and met the director of the habitat for Humanity chapter here. She was fascinating, and incredibly passionate. The work she is doing (almost single - handedly!) is so incredibly important, and its amazing how much she has been able to get together. I'm really excited to head up to the build site tomorrow and work. Apparently we will mostly be finishing off the house, as they're pretty far along. So mostly landscaping, painting, hanging doors, I think.
At first I was impatient to get going, and actually start getting miles in, but I'm realizing how important these frost few days are to get to know each other, and really let the group feeling grow. its nice to get to know people BEFORE we are all sweaty, exhausted, and cranky. Now we can have random conversations to discover each other, and get a sense for how it will be to live together for over two months.
Right now, the sense I get is: It will be one of the most interesting groups of people I've ever encountered. Everyone is really interesting and involved. I don't think there's anyone I wont get along with. And everyone is really excited and determined to make the most of this ride.

P.S. another goal I am adding to this trip: to have a Banana Split in every sate we pass through. I've had one on every state I've been to in the US so far, and I really want to continue this scrumptious trend.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

1st Goal reached!

HAHA! red letter day: Ive made it to $4000! I've reached my fund raising goal! I'm officially going on this thing! woo hoo! Thank you so much! everyone who contributed, everyone that helped me fund raise, everyone that encouraged me and told me to go for it! I couldn't do it without you!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1. Tick Tock

Well, here we are. I am DONE with final exams!! yay, and suddenly Bike and Build feels terrifyingly close at hand. I am really going ! AAAHHH!

This is of course only possible because of my many amazing supporters! With your help I have now raised $3485! This is a staggering amount, and I will never be able to thank you enough! I will try to make that worth your support, by having an amazing summer, biking hard to end poverty housing.

This also means I have 17 days to raise $515. Tiny compared to what you have already given me, but still a lot. I hope to get this by going door to door once I get back to Boulder. Yay Yippies! If you want to help me with that, theres a link just a few inches above and to the right. (Yep, right there. You know you want to. Just give in to the temptation, you will accrue good Karma! )

I will be back in Boulder in a few days, I cant wait to see my family again, even if it is only for a couple weeks. In the mean time, I must pack!! Freshman year has been great, but summer might even be better!