Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Bike Arrives

Well, here I am, 46 days before I am to set off, and I have one of the more important parts done:
I HAVE A BIKE! . . . . oh, and its prettty.

This is a pic I couldn't help but take. Here my lovely Specialized Dolce is brand new, just out of the box from Zanes, and newly assembled. (Yes, I assembled it inside my third-floor dorm room, but it was raining buckets outside, and I was waaay too excited to wait ) The credit for actually putting everything together really goes to Anson, my new bike-guru. THANK YOU ANSON!

A very big 'thank you' also goes to all the people that have helped me get to this spot in the first place. Through all of our very generous contributions, I have already raised $2800! I want to reach a minimum of $4000 for this trip, which will not just pay for travel costs but also go towards donations to various housing initiatives.

Thank you to everyone who has decided that the housing crisis deserves attention an support. Thank you to everyone that wants to help me out with such a big adventure.
I literally could not do this without you!

For those of you who still want to get in on this, I will need some help getting over this last hump. Just one thousand dollars to go! Seems like a lot, but compared to the amount that's come pouring in already, Its really very possible! And remember: every bit helps.

Please go to Bikeandbuild.org to check out the amazing photos, and find out more about the organization and the mission. You can also donate there to help me meet my fund-raising goal!

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