Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Today at PT Bamboo we had a celebration! I'll wrote more later, but i wanted to share two cute photos while i still have good internet. So here we are, all dressed up for the festivities.  We girls are wearing sarongs (the skirts) and Kebaya (the tops)  and ceremonial belt/scarfs.

  Top photo: Szuyin, Febi, Widhi and me, and the second photo is The Interns! (soon to be a band): Me, Jessica, Febi and Szuyin. 

 Aren't we soooo elegant and well behaved?  These photos are all courtesy of Mas Widhi, who has 1. an excellent camera, and 2. an excellent eye. Many more to come soon probably through facebook.  Enjoy!


RHeiderer said...

Anna, I've viewed everyone of your posts. They are all interesting and we enjoy the pictures. We also view your brother's pictures, did you see the one where he appears to have fallen out of the boat ?
11Aug I think. Let me know if you receive this. GRAMPS

Unknown said...

Ahhhh Ari i miss your face so much! So good to see photos of you and your brilliant smile. what an experience. seriously - enjoy this year! you look so happy. i am coming to visit you - just have to book the plane ticket :)