Monday, July 21, 2008

St Paul

Hello everyone. I've made it to St Paul, MN.  In one piece.  We just left Wisconsin, which was AMAZING. Such a beautiful state. I love it. Madison especially was nice. It reminded me a lot of Boulder, and had great bike paths.  leaving Madison was also an adventure. We had to get to gays Mills, WI after that, which was a saga. I don't have time to do it justice, so check out someone else's blog to get the details. Suffice to say I  DIDN"T get lost at all, and it still took me 12 hours.  My butt may never forgive me. 

I'm treating it well, tonight, though which might help make amends. We get to stay with  host families! in a real bed!!  YAY! They are super nice, and fill me with yummy things.  we get to be on a nice big bike path for the next two days, too, all the way to Duluth, which should also be wonderful .  

'ny way, I should go collapse in that bed so kindly offered.  Sorry I haven't posted any pictures, yet. I'll find a way eventually. maybe. 

sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since you felt it so urgently necessary to discuss your b*** and its care I went down to the bike store to find more cream for your next mail package. Please don't miss it.